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Planas Archive iterations

Warlike approaches to Tourism: all inclusive, 2020

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// Solo Show Museu d'Art Contemporáni Es Baluard //Palma 2020
//Solo Show Photo Festival Cortona on the Move // Italy // 2023


Installation pannel 15m x 2,45 m  

660 images and 660 texts - 15cm x 22cm

Printed on matte

Es Baluard, 2020

Fons Arxiu Planas y Instagram




Warlike approaches to Tourism: all inclusive, is a project that questions the use or abuse of the territories that have become tourist destinations. The art project is based on a work with archive images from a diverse nature. Through the construction of different devices, it activates a series of reflections that cross some of the emergencies of contemporary thought. These devices arise issues related to historical memory, necessary to understand the current situation, or to environment or feminisms.

Planas establishes multiple narratives which are related to each other showing the evolution of tourism and the conflicts that derive from the devastation of the territories and the cultural transformations that affect the lives of the inhabitants. By doing so, she accentuates the idea that relates a certain type of tourism with impoverishment and destruction, creating a mosaic from which a multiplicity of images accompanied by texts serves us. The artist promotes different narrative codes in order to question the viewer. Image and text dialogue from the difference and it is the user who makes the effort to think where the contradiction lies. Her work is part of one of the lines of investigation of current artistic practices, through which she also reflects on the exploitation of images. The set allows us to approach the need to rethink history, understood from a territorial but also political, artistic and sociological perspective. In this way, Planas establishes different reading levels from an unregulated cataloging of archive images.

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#turismcomodoctrina #arqueologíadelocio #archivo #documento #antropología #colonialismo #guerra #franjatemporal #viajeros #imagen #testimonio #postal #ficción #escenificación #masificación #dictadurayespacio #síndrimeturístico #placer #cuerpo #mujer #paisaje #explotación #migración #mendigo #representación #territorio #producto #neoliberalismo #multinacional #consumo #neuroturismo #opacidad #gandul #parquetemático #gentrificación #identidad #decorado #medioambiente #agua #golf #antropoceno #HolidayInn #Fraga #desposesión #boomturístico #estado #planificaciónurbanística #turismoresidencial #aeronave #touroperador #airbnb #burbuja #monocultivo #bellezadeslocalizada #diferencialderenta #cambioclimático

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